Local Market Snapshot

What Is Market Snapshot?

Market Snapshot shows you market trends in the area of your choosing.
It charts live market activity including such data as sold homes,
properties for sale, inventory counts and even days-on-market.

You can’t get that information anywhere else, unless, of course, you’re a Realtor!

Below is a sneak peak to just one Market Snapshot page:

Get all the Data for Homes Just Listed and Just Sold

The data displayed within the Snapshot is real-time Multiple Listing Service information.
The map offers several viewing options:

  • Road
  • Aerial and
  • Bird’s Eye views

You will see listings identified by green (Active Listings) or red flags (Homes that have Sold).

By clicking the bird’s eye view of the map, you’ll see your backyard and even your neighbor’s back yard! Hover your mouse over any of the listings and a pop up box with a picture of the home will appear. Within the pop up is a link where you can click to view all the details on that particular home. The details will show the asking price, selling price, days on market, property features and comments!

Get answers to questions like,

“What Did My Neighbor’s House Sell For?”

Within your Market Snapshot report, you will also see the inventory based on the last three months (which is the default), the last thirty days or the last week! Below the drop down list are several statistical g graphs showing asking and sold price s, asking vs. sol d prices, time on market, and inventory statistics. Some of these graphs that are included in each report are shown below.

The Snapshot shows homes that are similar in the number of bedrooms and bathrooms to yours, so not every home for sale or sold will appear.

What Else is Included?

Additional information is also readily available, including community and school details. If knowing how close the nearest police stations, fire stations, department and grocery stores are to the area you are interested in purchasing is important to you, you will find all this here, and more.

Local school information, public and private, plus colleges and universities
can also be reviewed within your Market Snapshot.

Each school is marked on the interactive map, and listed to the right
you can click  and gain detail for each school as shown below:


Please complete the form below to obtain your personalized report now.














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